Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DIY–Knot Massage

DIY–Knot Massage

By Sydney Reaburn RMT
A trigger point (TrP), AKA a “knot” is a hyper-irritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle. TrP’s can produce local and referred pain, and sometimes reduce the range of motion of the affected muscle. Your RMT uses a variety of techniques during a massage therapy treatment to reduce TrP’s. How can you treat TrP’s at home? Before treating yourself, it’s a good idea to warm up the tissue before following these steps. 1.Find the tender point in the muscle   2. Using a ball (tennis balls work great) compress the tender point until its between a 5-7 on the pain scale (1= no pain, 10= intolerable).   3.Hold the pressure here until the pain begins to decrease.   4.Repeat steps 2 & 3.   This “pain” should feel good- not intolerable. Begin on the lighter side and follow this treatment with a gentle stretch or flushing of the tissue with self -massage.
Sydney Reaburn RMT,

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