Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ayurveda Digestion Tips

Top 10 Ayurvedic Digestion Tips                      

Katie White RMT, HTP, CYT

According to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, more than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every year.  Millions of dollars are spent each year on laxatives, heart burn pills, antacids and probiotics.  We are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of dietary information and often misinformation through media, books and internet. 

It is difficult to navigate through the array of diet plans: vegetarian, vegan, raw food, Paleolithic diet, Mediterranean diet and many more.  There is no one eating plan that fits every single person as we are unique in our constitutions.   We spend so much time focusing on what we eat but not how we are eating it. 

This is where Ayurvedic principles can help each and every one of us.  Ayurvedic medicine -- also known as Ayurveda -- is one of the world's oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems. It was developed thousands of years ago in India and is still practiced today.

It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. The primary focus of Ayurvedic medicine is to promote and maintain good health.  This is done through diet, herbs, massage, exercise and relaxation techniques.

Ayurveda suggests for optimal digestion and assimilation of our food, we must become more mindful of how we are eating.  Changing the way we approach our food can really affect gas, bloating and indigestion.

Practice these mindful guidelines to strengthen your digestive fire: 

·         Eat three meals per day at the same time each day.  This will train the body to expect food at the same time each day and will be more prepared to digest it.  It is also advisable to eat enough food at each meal to discourage snacking between meals.

·         Eat without distractions! Turn off computers, televisions and avoid reading and driving.  When we focus on our food and experience it fully, we will eat less food and feel full longer.  By following this one guideline, it is possible to lose weight easily.

·         Chew eat mouthful thoroughly and eat at a moderate pace. This enables the digestive process by making the food particles smaller and allowing digestive enzymes to be released with salvia.
·         Sit down to eat in a clean and beautiful environment.  Be thankful for your food and experience a feeling of gratitude.

·         Only eat when hungry and never when upset or angry.

·         Avoid drinking cold beverages with meals as this dampens the digestive fire.

·         Stimulate digestion 15 minutes before meals by eating ginger slices with lemon squeezed on top. The salivary glands will begin producing enzymes before you begin your meal.

·         Make lunch your biggest meal between 12:00-2:00 pm. This is when the digestive fire is the strongest. 

·         Eat a light dinner, no later than 8:00 pm.  Our bodies are designed to detoxify while sleeping and undigested food will interfere with this process.  The results are inflammation, joint soreness and difficulty waking up in the morning.

·         * Reduce or eliminate processed foods.  Experiment with seasonal foods and include all six tastes with every meal.  This will ensure a variety of vitamins and minerals are included daily to optimize health.

“Without proper diet, medicine is of no use. With proper diet, medicine is of no need"- ancient Ayurvedic proverb

Katie is the owner of Courtenay Massage Therapy and can be reached at (250) 897 0069. She is a Registered Massage Therapist, Healing Touch Practitioner, Chartered Herbalist, Soma Yoga Instructor and currently pursuing designation as an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist. Katie has been practicing the healing arts for over 15 years, helping people reduce pain and stress. Using bodywork, movement therapy, energy medicine, aromatherapy and routines of daily living, she educates people on mind/body/spirit connection.

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